Goodbye, Frances.

Obituary | Frances Gasaway: December 10, 1937 – September 2, 2023

Many years ago, as publisher of The Bay City Tribune, I would often field calls from readers with delivery issues – no paper, wet paper, late paper, etc.

Over the years our carrier force had changed, and some of those delivering for us did not personally know the subscribers along their routes. Those who did might know that certain folks came to appreciate the paper in a certain spot each morning, or came to expect them to swing by at a certain time with each delivery.

I remember when the carrier for our largest in-city route retired and we were training a new driver. There were a lot of calls for the first month or two.

While taking and resolving those phone calls, I met a kind lady named Frances. For decades, Frances had received her paper very early in the morning, and on her front stoop. This was because her original carrier began at the office and worked their way outwards into town.

Well, her new carrier decided to go to the edge of the territory and work their way in, back to the office. Frances lived near the office, so this delayed her paper.

That's problem enough, but if there happened to be an Astros game the night before – you had better believe she was extra anxious waiting for her Tribune.

I learned that her home was not far from the office, and on my way home – we lived in the same neighborhood. I also had a bad habit of being at the office later than I should, to see the final edition roll out the door.

So, I got into the practice of dropping a paper off to her on my way home most nights. She never knew it, but for a while she had a several-hour head start on the news over anyone else in town. 

Anyway, I was saddened to learn earlier today of her recent passing. I didn't enjoy every phone call I received as the publisher, but I did appreciate hers over the years

Fitting, that I stumbled across her obituary in the newspaper that connected us all those years ago. Rest in peace, friend.


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