Writing Brandon Cox Writing Brandon Cox

Fruitful Fields and Healthful Skies

In every hardship, there lies a seed of good—a promise that from struggle can emerge prosperity. It is from the depths of challenge that we often discover our greatest strengths. There is always a seed of good. That seed will bear fruit.

May fruitful fields and healthful skies guide us forward. Happy Thanksgiving.

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Writing Brandon Cox Writing Brandon Cox

Goodbye, Frances.

I got into the practice of dropping a paper off to her on my way home most nights. She never knew it, but for a while she had a several-hour head start on the news over anyone else in town.

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Writing Brandon Cox Writing Brandon Cox

Right in front of you

Many times, we set off in search of answers that were there all along. We overlook them time and again until one day, a day when we have our sleeves rolled up and our hands dirty, it finally clicks. That is when we realize what we are looking for has been right in front of us the whole time.

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Writing Brandon Cox Writing Brandon Cox

Settling for crap no more

A mentor once said to me, "Your job doesn't define you, unless you let it. That's a lonely place." Hustle culture thrives on business card identities. Yet, on their deathbeds, no one wishes they'd eaten more crap.

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Brandon Cox Brandon Cox

Getting Lost

You see the world differently on a bicycle than you do in a car. You feel closer to the world around you. Something about the glass windows, the plastic dash, and the steel cage makes you feel like you’re so far away from what’s right next to you. From a bike, you know you can reach out and touch it.

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Writing Brandon Cox Writing Brandon Cox

I have to write.

I’ve fallen in love with the written word. It is my pleasure to use this passion and skill set to help others clarify what they’re trying to say. Words make the world go around, and I believe you should tell a good story. I’m here to help.

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